DAGM GCPR | 2021
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Bonn
The goals of DAGM GCPR are to publish exciting new work for the first time and to avoid duplicating the effort of reviewers.
By submitting a manuscript to DAGM GCPR, authors acknowledge that it has not been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any peer-reviewed venue including journal, conference or workshop, or archival forum. Furthermore, no publication substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to this or another conference, workshop, or journal during the review period. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection, and will be reported to the other venue to which the submission was sent.
A publication, for the purposes of this policy, does not consider an arXiv.org paper as a publication because it cannot be rejected. It also excludes technical reports which are not peer reviewed.
By submitting a paper, the authors agree that the paper is processed by the Toronto Paper Matching System to match each manuscript to the best possible reviewers.
If you have questions, please contact us per email to dagm-gcpr@googlegroups.com.
Author Kit
For preparing a submission, please use the author kit. If you use overleaf, please use dagmgcpr2021.tex from the author kit as well and add the submission id, which you will receive from Microsoft CMT after creating a new submission, and the submission track. See also the sample PDF from the author kit.
Submission System
Papers are submitted through Microsoft CMT (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DAGMGCPR2021).