DAGM GCPR | 2021
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Bonn
DAGM Young Researchers' Forum
If you are a Master student you might be eligible for the Best Master's Thesis Award of the Young Researchers' Forum. Students who received a Master's degree from a university in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland after July 10, 2020 can apply for the best Master's Thesis Award. Please visit the DAGM Young Researchers' Forum website for more information. The submission instructions are the same as for the Fast Review Track, but the following steps need to be done in addition:
Send an email with subject YRF Fast Review Track Submission: #PaperID to dagm-gcpr@googlegroups.com before the submission deadline. The email should state that #PaperID is a YRF submission and contain a link for downloading the additional documents:
- a PDF version of the Master's thesis
- a copy of the Master's certificate
- a declaration stating that the contents of the submission correspond to the Master's thesis (Word template)
- a letter of the advisor supporting the submission and stating that the thesis is excellent
Please do not include these documents in the supplementary material submitted via CMT since it reveals the identity of the author.
In the LaTeX template, please change "\def\GCPRTrack{Fast Review Track}" to "\def\GCPRTrack{YRF Fast Review Track}".