DAGM GCPR | 2021
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Bonn
Workshop on Scene Understanding in Unstructured Environments
The workshop is organized by Abhinav Valada (University of Freiburg), Peter Mortimer (Bundeswehr University Munich), Nina Heide (Fraunhofer IOSB), and Jens Behley (University of Bonn). The workshop includes a challenge on Outdoor Semantic Segmentation. For more details including program and submission deadlines for the challenge as well as extended abstracts please visit Workshop on Scene Understanding in Unstructured Environments. The workshop also includes invited talks by:
Karsten Berns
TU Kaiserslautern
Srikanth Saripalli
Texas A&M University
Sebastian Scherer
Carnegie Mellon University
Cyrill Stachniss
University of Bonn
Wenshan Wang
Carnegie Mellon University