
This page provides an overview of the different venues of GCPR 2013.

Campus Saarland University

The conference takes place on the Campus of Saarland University and the Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics.

Campus Map
How to reach the campus by bus


If your arrive by car, please use the car park in front of the entrance east (Parkhaus Ost) and press the ticket button. At the conference registration desk please ask for a 4-day ticket for free parking.

Welcome Reception and Buffet Dinner

The welcome reception and buffet dinner will take place on Tuesday, September 3rd, 18:00 in the Aula (Building A3.3) on the Campus of Saarland University. The dinner will offer a selection of culinary specialities of Saarland. All regular participants of the main conference are admitted (full registration, no student registration).

Campus Map

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will take place on Thursday, September 5th from 19:00-22:30 at the Schloss Halberg Restaurant, Saarbrücken. Bus transfer from the University Bus Terminal (near the Campus Entrance East) to Schloss Halberg will start on 18:45. All regular participants of the main conference are admitted (full registration, no student registration).