DAGM GCPR | 2013
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Saarbrücken

GCPR Poster Session and Young Researchers' Forum (YRF)
The GCPR poster session and the Young Researchers forum will take place on Wednesday, September 4, from 3:15 to 5 pm. Please put your poster there during the lunch break (12:15 am to 1:45 pm) on Wednesday and remove it right after the poster session.
The poster board is in PORTRAIT format, it is 87 cm wide and 136 cm high. Thus, a poster in A0 portrait format (84 cm x 119 cm) fits easily.
You have the opportunity of a 60 second spotlight presentation during which you should introduce yourself and advertise your poster. The spotlight presentations will take place before the poster session (Wednesday, September 4, 2:45-3:10 pm). Please note that the time limit of 60 seconds is strict and you will be asked to leave the podium once your time is over.
Spotlight presenters should prepare one (1) slide in PDF format (landscape). Videos or clickable animations are not allowed and will be removed. Each presenter has to submit his/her slide via e-mail to Matthias Hein (hein - at - cs.uni-saarland.de)
by Tuesday, August 27.
If you do not provide your slide by that time, a generic slide with the poster title and the names of the authors will be displayed for a few seconds during the spotlight presentation.
All slides will run automatically. Note that you will not have access to the laptop from which the slides are shown. The order of the presenters follows the poster number in the program. Please give your microphone to the next presenter and leave the podium once your slide is flipped.
R3 (Recent Related Research) Session
The poster session will take place on Thursday, September 5, from 4:05 to 6:30 pm. Please put your poster there during the lunch break (12:15 am to 1:45 pm) on Thursday. Please remove it until the end of the conference.
We prefer posters in A0 portrait format (84 cm x 119 cm). If you have already created a poster for a previous presentation which you would like to use again and it is not in A0 portrait format, then send an email to Matthias Hein (hein - at cs.uni-saarland.de) until Tuesday, August, 20th with the size of your poster (width times height or format e.g. A0 landscape). We need this information in order to set up the poster boards accordingly.
Each poster will be assigned a specific poster board number that can be found in the program. Please check the labels on the boards. Stripes for attaching your poster to the board will be provided.
You have the opportunity of a 60 second spotlight presentation during which you should introduce yourself and advertise your poster. The spotlight presentations will take place before the poster session (Thursday, September 5, 3:30-4:05 pm). Please note that the time limit of 60 seconds is strict and you will be asked to leave the podium once your time is over. Spotlight presenters should prepare one (1) slide in PDF format (landscape). Videos or clickable animations are not allowed and will be removed. Each presenter has to submit his/her slide via e-mail to Matthias Hein (hein - at cs.uni-saarland.de)
by Tuesday, August 27.
If you do not provide your slide by that time, a generic slide with the poster title and the names of the authors will be displayed for a few seconds during the spotlight presentation.
All slides will run automatically. Note that you will not have access to the laptop from which the slides are shown. The order of the presenters follows the poster number in the program. Please give your microphone to the next presenter and leave the podium once your slide is flipped.