Camera-Ready Submission Instructions

Camera-ready papers are due July 28, 23:59 PST (extended, firm). Note that submitting a camera-ready version implies that one of the authors has to register for GCPR 2014 (and present the paper at the conference). Otherwise, the paper will not be printed in the LNCS proceedings book. This author registration should be done by July 27 (German time) for the early-bird fee (e.g., 230� for main conference). From Monday July 28 the standard fee (e.g., 270� for main conference) will apply.

Important information:

  • Please carefully take into account the reviewers' comments when preparing the camera-ready version.
  • You are requested to strictly follow the Springer LNCS single-column style.
  • If you use LaTeX to prepare your paper, please use the same template as for your submission. Make sure to appropriately replace all placeholders in the initial submission. Also, provide the author information and running title for the page headers (abbreviated if necessary). Finally, make sure to comment out the \DAGMreviewversion command to obtain a non-review version.
  • Each accepted paper is limited to 10 pages (plus references, which are expected to be at most 2 pages in usual cases). Do not reduce the paper length e.g. by reducing vertical spaces between paragraphs or the like.
  • All figures will be printed in black and white. If you have color figures, please make sure that they are also legible in black and white. These figures will appear in color in the online version at no extra charge.


What to submit?

  • For papers prepared using LaTeX (preferred):
    • a text file "contact.txt" containing the name and email address of the corresponding author.
    • source (input) files: tex, bib, and figure files. Please name the main file as "mainPID.tex", where PID has to be replaced with your paper ID.
    • any non-standard style files, templates, and special fonts you may have used.
    • PDF file of the final version.
  • For papers prepared using MS Word:
    • a text file "contact.txt" containing the name and email address of the corresponding author.
    • source (input) files: DOC file. Please name the main file as "mainPID.docx", where PID has to be replaced with your paper ID.
    • PDF file of the final version.
  • Please download the copyright form, and complete and sign it. It is sufficient if one author from each contribution signs the form on behalf of all the other authors. You have to send us an electronic copy (together with the source files). It should be "digitally signed", that is signed with a scanned version of your signature. Alternatively, you can scan a printed and signed copyright form. Please name your copyright file "copyrightPID.pdf", where PID has to be replaced with your paper ID.
    Important: Only authors employed by the EU (as an institution) need to tick that particular box. All other researchers working in a country in the European Union have no need to tick that box. Equally, the box for US Government employees should only be ticked by US Government employees.



How to submit?

Please create a ZIP file (file extension .zip) or gzipped tarball (file extension .tgz) containing all the items above and submit it through the paper submission site You can submit more than once, in which case old versions will be overwritten. If you encounter any problems with the system, do not hesitate to contact us.


Initial Submission Instructions

The GCPR 2014 proceedings to be published in the Springer LNCS series will include all accepted papers under the condition that at least one of the authors completes a registration to the conference. Authors should take into account the following rules:

  • All papers have to be written in English and have to conform with the Springer LNCS format.
  • The paper length is limited to 10 pages (plus references, which are expected to be at most 2 pages in usual cases).
  • All papers have to be submitted as a single PDF file. The authors are requested to make sure that all fonts are embedded in the PDF file.
  • In addition, supplementary materials can be submitted as a single file.
  • GCPR reviewing is double blind. Please avoid any information that may identify the authors. See Section 2 of the example paper for detailed information.

See the example paper for more information. Papers that do not conform with the above guidelines will be rejected without review.

Author Kit

The author kit provides a LaTeX2e template for submissions, and an example paper to demonstrate the format. Please refer to this example for detailed formatting instructions. If you intend to use something other than LaTeX to prepare your paper (e.g. MS Word), you may refer to this Springer site.

Submission System

Paper submission is done using Microsoft CMT. The submission is closed.

Papers for the Young Researchers' Forum are to be submitted by email, see the related page for details.