Registration for DAGM 2007

DAGM and ÖAGM members before
DAGM 2007 300.- 350.- 400.-
per DAGM tutorial 25.- 35.- 35.-
Standard rates      
DAGM 2007 340.- 390.- 440.-
per DAGM tutorial 25.- 35.- 35.-
Undergraduate students      
DAGM 2007 50.- 75.- 100.-
per DAGM tutorial 10.- 15.- 15.-

Register now for DAGM 2007, for the tutorials, and for the Workshop on Dynamic 3D Imaging by clicking here:

Reduced hotel rates are also available via the above site.

Small print: All quoted rates are in Euro. Undergraduate students are immatriculated students working towards their diploma or Master. This includes diploma and Master students, but excludes PhD students. Please send your immatriculation certificate by fax to UniTT-Veranstaltungsmanagement, Fax: +49 (0) 6221 54 2162, when registering for the conference (Please use "DAGM 2007" as subject). Since the prizes for undergraduate students are heavily subsidized, the organizers reserve the right to restrict registrations on a first come, first serve basis.

DAGM Tutorials

Tutorial A: September 11th, morning: Andres Bruhn, Thomas Brox: Variational optical flow estimation

Tutorial C: September 11th, afternoon: Linus Görlitz: Semi-supervised learning

Tutorial D: September 11th, afternoon: Bodo Rosenhahn: 3D-Model Driven Computer Vision


Satellite Workshop on Dynamic 3D Imaging

Workshop only registration: 90 Euro (before 01.09.2007) 100 Euro (onsite)
Workshop registration in conjunction with DAGM registration: 50 Euro (before 01.09.2007) 60 Euro (onsite)

Register for the Workshop on Dynamic 3D Imaging by clicking here: