DAGM GCPR | 2007
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Heidelberg
Preparing your manuscript
Authors please fill in the copyright form by 06.07.2007. Thank you!
The proceedings will be published in a volume with accompanying CD of the Springer series on Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). All submissions will be rated by three reviewers in a blind review process. Each manuscript must be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines, and it must not exceed a length of 10 pages. Your manuscript must be written in English and compile using "pdflatex".
Authors are expected to use standard benchmark test sets to evaluate their results and compare to existing methodology. Appropriate evaluation will be one focus of the review process. Links to some benchmarks are collected at http://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/dagmdb/index.php/Main_Page.
Please start from the supplied latex class and example file. Make sure to omit authors' names and affiliations in the latex document; you will have a chance to specify these in the electronic conference management system.
Latex novices might find the following hints useful in preparing their manuscript:
- TeXnicCenter can help in preparing your document. Make sure to select the output profile "Latex=>PDF" to use pdflatex. You can also use the option "Project -> create with active file as main file" to create a TeXnicCenter project.
- pdflatex can include graphics in the following formats: pdf, png, gif and jpg. If you have eps graphics, you can convert them using tools such as eps2pdf, which in turn uses ghostscript.
For latex black belts: please use straight pdflatex and refrain from defining macros, new commands, the use of exotic packages, etc. because these may make the contributions from different authors incompatible and will make it difficult or impossible to compile the entire proceedings volume. The organizers reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not adhere to the guidelines.
Submitting your manuscript
Please submit your manuscript until (and including) April 9th, 2007 by using the electronic conference management system at http://dagm2007.confmaster.net/.
- 05.04.2007 Note the new competition on weakly supervised learning, co-sponsored by the GNNS.