DAGM GCPR | 2023
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Heidelberg
Call for Papers
The DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition (DAGM GCPR) 2023 is the 45th annual symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM). It is an international premier venue for recent advances in pattern recognition including image processing, machine learning, and computer vision and welcomes submissions from all areas of pattern recognition. This year, it will be held in Heidelberg.
Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers presenting original research. Submitted papers will be reviewed based on the criteria of originality, soundness, empirical evaluation, and presentation. The reviewing process is double-blind. Accepted papers will be published by Springer as a proceeding of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The best papers will be invited to contribute to a special issue of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Image/video processing, analysis, and computer vision
- Machine learning and pattern recognition
- Mathematical foundations, statistical data analysis and models
- Computational photography and confluence of vision and graphics
- Biomedical image processing and analysis
- Document analysis
- Biometrics
- Applications
We especially invite submissions for the following Special Tracks, which are chaired and reviewed explicitly by experts from the respective fields. They also have special review criteria which will be explicitly communicated to the reviewers to ensure clear quality expectations and interesting contributions.
Pattern recognition in the life and natural sciences
Pattern recognition and machine learning already became a major driver in the sciences, for example, for data driven analysis or understanding of processes. This special track asks for original work that demonstrates successful development and application of pattern recognition methods tailored to the specific domain from the life- and natural sciences.
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
The photogrammetry and remote sensing track invites papers on theory and applications in photogrammetry and remote sensing with significant computer vision or machine learning components. The track provides a forum for researchers developing approaches from image classification and segmentation to high-precision photogrammetry to share their latest developments. Besides state-of-the-art research novelties, papers will also be considered if they present interesting, complex applications possibly in unexpected domains or with novel extensive data sets.
DAGM Young Researcher’s Forum
If you are a Master student, you are invited to submit your thesis as a paper to GCPR to promote your work, meet prospective employers or Ph.D. supervisors and compete for the Best Master’s thesis award of the DAGM Young Researcher’s forum. Please follow the special submission instructions on the conference web page.
Fast Review Track for ICCV 2023 Submissions
The fast review track is open to all rejected peer reviewed conference and journal papers since 1.06.2022 (rejection date). We also welcome rejections to this GCPR. For instance, if your ICCV 2023 submission has not been accepted but you can address the concerns of the ICCV reviewers by a minor revision of the paper, you can submit a revised version of the paper together with the original reviews to the Fast Review Track. The review process takes only two weeks and is similar to the reviewing process of a journal for a minor revision. Please see the submission instructions on the conference web page for more details.
Nectar Track
The nectar track is an opportunity for you to contribute to the program of GCPR by presenting a paper already published at a previous major international computer vision, or machine learning conference or in a journal. This way, you can generate additional exposure of your work and have a platform for networking with colleagues within and outside the GCPR community.
The dates for all submissions are as follows (deadlines will not be extended). Deadlines are at 23:59 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on the given day.
Regular papers
- Paper Submission Deadline: June 2, 2023
- Supplementary Material Deadline: June 9, 2023
- Decisions to Authors: July 14, 2023
- Camera Ready Deadline: July 28, 2023
Fast Review Track
- Paper Submission Deadline: July 28, 2023
- Supplementary Material Deadline: July 28, 2023
- Decisions to Authors: August 11, 2023
- Camera Ready Deadline: August 18, 2023
Nectar Track
- Proposal Submission Deadline: August 11, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: August 18, 2023
Contact and additional information
Please see the conference web page for contact information of the organizers and more details about the submission process and format: https://www.dagm-gcpr.de/year/2023 .
Questions can be directed to gcpr-2023@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de.