Oral Presentations

Each presenter has 18 minutes for the presentation and 4 minutes for questions from the audience moderated by the session chair. Because of the tight schedule we need presenters to meet these specifications.

Poster Presentations

Those who are presenting posters will hang their posters on tack boards. Each poster will be asssigned to a specific tack board. Authors can find their tack board location via labels on the tack boards.

Presenters can put up their posters any time prior to the first poster session. Posters will be displayed for the entire conference. Presenters are responsible for removing their posters at the end of the conference.

Push pins will be available on each tack board. The usable space on these tack boards is approximately 145 cm high and 115 cm wide.

Additionally a poster teaser is planned (1 slide in pdf format, no videos, max. 1 minute). Your slide needs to be sent to us per e-mail prior to the conference. Due to our strict time constraints it would be impossible to handle different notebooks or presentation formats. Poster teaser slides, which we will receive after September 4th will not be included in the presentation.

Young Researchers' Forum

Participants of the Young Researchers' Forum will have a 4 minute oral presentation and a poster.