

According to the new DAGM policy, registration for a reduced fee will automatically include DAGM membership for registrants who are not yet member. Registrants have the option to decline DAGM membership, but will then be charged with the standard rate.


All DAGM registrants will receive a free ticket for the AUTOMATICA trade fair including a free ticket for the Munich public transportation network to commute to the conference venue, i.e. the International Congress Center Munich (ICM), right next to the Munich Trade Fair Center during DAGM.


Registration fees for DAGM 2008


Registration fee due before 04/15/2008 before 06/01/2008  on-site 
Reduced rate including DAGM membership 310 € 355 € 400 €
Standard rate without DAGM membership 350 € 395 € 440 €
Undergraduate students 50 € 75 € 100 €


Options for payment:
  • bank transfer (till 2nd of June 2008)
  • credit card
  • cash




Information for tutorial registration is available on the Tutorials page.


DAGM Day Tickets for Visitors of AUTOMATICA Fair

In order to exploit the synergy effects between DAGM and AUTOMATICA, this special service has been exclusively arranged for visitors of AUTOMATICA, who have already purchased a ticket for the AUTOMATICA fair. They can acquire a 1-day ticket to visit one single day of DAGM (choice between 11., 12. and 13. June) for the special price of

50 €

onsite at the registration desk of DAGM in Hall B0. This is a special fee only provided for 1-day visitors of DAGM (people who want to attend DAGM for more than one day will need a regular registration for DAGM onsite or via our web interface) and does not include the DAGM proceedings nor the DAGM social events. We have arranged the conference program with certain emphasis on specific topics for each day (e.g. "Machine Learning" on June 11.), so that visitors can choose a day that is most suitable for their interests.


For the participants of DAGM 2008 a number of hotel rooms has been contracted at special rates. Please click here for information. Further hotels at standard rates are available on the hotel reservation page of Munich's tourist office.