Posters will be displayed in the large foyer immediately outside of the main lecture theatre where the talks take place. An overview of poster titles and authors is available in PDF format (numbers following the titles indicate the number of the poster board where the poster is to be located).

In order to give poster presentations a more prominent role, the entire evening of the first day of the conference (Monday Aug 30th) will be devoted to posternight, starting after dinner at 20:00 with open end. Light refreshments will be available during the evening.

Posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the conference, giving rich opportunity for interaction and discussions.

Talk and Poster

People giving talks are encouraged (but not obliged) also to present a poster. This allows talks to be geared more towards the general audience, and specialist details can be elaborated at the posters.


Poster Dimensions

  • Recommended: 1188mm wide x 840mm high (= DIN A0 landscape orientation)
  • Maximal: 1350mm wide x 950mm high